How Managed Services Will Help Your Business in 2022

The pandemic brought a lot of “firsts” to business owners across the world. One of the most impactful was the intense need for fully-virtual communication, process management and secure data sharing. 

Enter: Managed Service Providers (MSPs). From IT support to proactive maintenance, the managed services industry grew significantly in 2021 (to almost 51 billion dollars) and shows no signs of slowing down in 2022. 

Businesses of all sizes and types are recognizing the value of data that is easily accessible to the right people and completely blocked from the wrong. With 87% of data breaches caused by human error, it’s more crucial than ever to work with experts and establish a secure data-sharing process. 

Here are some managed services trends expected to continue in 2022. 

But first:

What are Managed Services?

In short, a managed service handles the constant maintenance of your platforms, applications or daily online operations. Most businesses end up turning to a third party for managed services when they feel they are lacking support, experiencing service outages, dealing with data loss or overspending on in-house IT support. 

The goal of leveraging managed services is to design and monitor safe data-sharing and storage practices. Expert managed services allow teams to access important data from anywhere without slowing down processes or putting the data at risk. 


How Managed Services will Improve in 2022

Expanded services to lift even more weight off the backs of business owners

Businesses are leaning on managed services more than ever and MSPs are expanding their offerings to add even more protection and value to their customers. Great MSPs will offer a full scope of services so their customers can feel completely covered. 

Here are just a few of the benefits that quality MSPs should be adding to the table:

Expertise across all CRM platforms

You should expect your managed services to easily operate with Microsoft CRM, SharePoint, 365 services or whatever major CRM platform you work with.

24/7 Help Desk Support

Sometimes, you can’t help when an issue arises. That doesn’t mean businesses should have to wait for business hours to fix it. Expert managed services will offer 24/7 help desk support so all answers and solutions are taken care of right when needed. 

Offsite backup options to keep data safe and secure

Did you know that 87% of data breaches are due to human error? Accidents happen, and a great managed services team will be prepared for every situation. One of the most dependable ways to combat data loss is to offer offsite backup options.

A comprehensive data backup strategy

An automated data backup strategy minimizes human error and allows the customer to trust that all of the most important data from any location will never be lost. Managed Services Providers will work with the customer to ensure they have not left any holes in their data backup plan. 

Proactive network monitoring and maintenance

Business owners should never have to worry about the state of their network. Network monitoring services ensure that online information is always up and running. These services are also built to catch any errors before they escalate to downtime, data loss or repair issues. 

Centralized Patch Management

One of the simplest ways to maximize security and minimize threats is to keep all applications up to date. The manual process is time-consuming, so centralized patch management updates all devices from a single interface under single control. This service can also push updates to each employee’s laptop from anywhere, so everyone has the same maximum protection.

Auditing and Compliance Management

Not having a fully-compliant website can get businesses in some serious hot water. Website auditing and compliance management will identify any SOX or HIPAA violations and help to find solutions before it results in a fine or even loss of license. 

Services will be tailored to a hybrid work environment

If it hasn’t been done already, 2022 is the time to ensure every single business process can be completed both in the office and elsewhere. 

Powered by the need to secure remote workers and the continued threat of ransomware, most companies are upending traditional processes for one that includes a ‘work-from-anywhere’ stipulation. Within the next two years, more than three-quarters of organizations plan to adopt employee training and anti-ransomware solutions to help protect corporate networks, devices and data.

Cloud and automation will continue to be heavy hitters

The pandemic caused a significant uptick in remote work opportunities and has solidified the need for cloud services across industries. Trusted cloud services are one of the main reasons that companies can offer work-from-home opportunities. Now that this precedent has been set, remote work is here to stay. 

At the center of this hybrid work, movement sits cloud services. Good cloud services will easily scale in tandem with the business as companies grow their remote work teams and processes. Cloud services allow teams to access important data from anywhere – the cornerstone of remote work success. 

The growth of cloud services has also highlighted the need for automation. Automation is a crucial tool for managed services providers that guarantee 24/7 support. Automation in managed services uses a data-first approach to find any potential issues before they impact the network. This instantaneous detection saves customers countless hours of potential downtime. 

Looking forward to 2022, we can expect managed services that are even more customized to business needs, thanks to automation. Many companies are looking forward to automating data analysis and even leveraging a more streamlined approach to making large-scale business decisions, according to Gartner.

“Future-proofing” strategies will become more popular

The pandemic has taught us many things — one of which is that we never know what type of crisis is around the corner. 

Managed service solutions in 2022 will focus on ‘future-proofing,’ or anticipating future problems and devising potential solutions in advance. This practice helps companies prepare for anything that may come their way and avoid or minimize future problems. 

For example, companies that undergo regular proactive maintenance experience: 

  • A 10x return on investment.
  • 25% to 30% reduced maintenance costs.
  • About 75% fewer breakdowns.
  • About 40% lesser downtime.
  • About 25% better production.

You can’t always predict the future, but this style of preventive maintenance is a dependable way to cut down on costs and headaches in the future. 

Internal training will be an integral part of cybersecurity offerings

2021 saw almost 1,300 data breaches that impacted millions of people, according to Security Magazine. This year-over-year increase in cyber threats will not dwindle in 2022. Hackers tend to strike during times of widespread vulnerability and division — thanks to the pandemic and upcoming political elections, this year will come with its fair share of cyberattacks.  

No size or type of company is exempt from this potential risk. One of the most important investments a company can make in 2022 is data housing and cybersecurity that is dependable. 

Dependable cybersecurity not only protects your data from outside threats but also minimizes the chance of breach due to employee oversight. MSPs come into play by offering training, certifications and strategies to businesses so they know how to handle threats when they arise. 

The first few moments of experiencing a cyber threat can shape the result of the attack; making the right game time decisions is crucial. Providing your team with cybersecurity training will put protective measures in place and boost employees’ skill sets. Cybersecurity training can instill confidence in your employees and give them the tools they need to handle current and future crises.

MDL managed services can help grow your business securely

MDL offers full-scope managed services to help protect your business and give it room to grow. 

At MDL, we make it a priority to implement the best practices for your business when it comes to managed services. From training your employees to spot the warning signs of cyber threats to data recovery, your most valuable assets will always be secure with MDL.

Learn more about our managed services or reach out to our team to discuss any recommendations for your company. 

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